Brand Name: CHENGWEI
High-concerned Chemical: None
Origin: US(Origin)
Material: Metal
Product Dimensions: 15″D x 9″W x 30″H
Item Weight: 5.25 Pounds
Recommended Uses For Product: Outdoor
Special Feature: Handmade, Water Resistant
About this item
- Striking Design: The metal peacock statues feature a captivating color scheme, with one peacock boasting a stunning purple tail and the other flaunting a vibrant yellow tail. The bold and contrasting colors create a visually striking display that adds a pop of vibrancy to your outdoor decor.
- Durable and Weather-Resistant: Constructed from high-quality metal, these garden peacock statues are built to withstand the elements. Ensuring their longevity and durability even when exposed to sun, rain, or wind. Making the metal peacock statues ideal for long-term outdoor use.
- Versatile Placement: Garden statue’s dimensions (looking up): 15.4 x 9.1 x 30.7 inches, dimensions (looking back): 14.6 x 9.1 x 30 inches. Whether you choose to position them near flower beds, on a patio, or by a water feature, the metal peacock effortlessly enhance the visual appeal of any setting.
- Easy Assembly: Assembly of this outdoor peacock statue is a breeze, and the package includes clear instructions. Choose your desired location, and position the peacock decor securely. No complicated assembly or tools required, making them a hassle-free addition to your outdoor decor.
- Unique Gift: Looking for a unique gift for a nature lover or a garden enthusiast? Look no further! This metal peacock makes for an unforgettable present. They can be displayed together or separately to create a captivating focal point.
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